Poetry & Plays

The Hunting of the Snark

Wouldn't You Like to Know

Custard and Company

Algernon and other Cautionary Tales

The Family Album

Promenade de Quentin Blake au pays de la Poesie Francaise

Cock Crow

Roald Dahl's Songs and Verse

Mustard, Custard, Grumble Belly and Gravy

So Much Nonsense

The Best of Michael Rosen

Bananas in my Ears

Cautionary Verses

The Penguin Book of Nonsense Verse

Mustard, Custard, Grumble Belly and Gravy

Rhyme Stew

Because a Fire Was in my Head


Ted Hughes: Collected Plays for Children

Under the Spell of the Moon

Revolting Rhymes

Dirty Beasts

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory A Play

Fantastic Mr Fox A Play

Danny, the Champion of the World: A Play

The Twits: A Play

Quick let’s get out of here

Reekin Rhymes

Cautionary Verses

On the Move: Poems about Migration

Old Mother Hubbard's Dog Dresses Up

Old Mother Hubbard’s Dog Learns to Play

Old Mother Hubbard's Dog Needs a Doctor

Old Mother Hubbard’s Dog Takes Up Sport

Waiting for Godot

Joseph and the amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

On the Move: Poems About Migration