Every Other Friday
In the past two or three years Quentin has produced a large number of drawings, in sequences of 15 or 20, on a variety of themes. The first 20 of these were published as The QB Papers, beginning in 2019. There are now perhaps three times as many more. As Quentin says, 'It seems that these are unlikely to find themselves in print' - so here is the place to see them, where each new set will be posted every other Friday...
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Mime & Handkerchief

Conversations with Birds

Something Wrong Somewhere

Men with cups & glasses

Unruly Locks

Dream Owls

A Bird on His Shoulder

Women with a flower

Two Men Talking

Ladies and their Dogs

Polite Greetings

Encounters with Birds on Potted Plants

The Duet
Gesturing arms

Society Ladies

Glass of Wine


Birds on their Hair

Bending the Line

A Moment of Doubt

The Unexpected Letter

Faces of Two Women

Long Faces

One Line or Two

The Ballpoint Circus

Red Whiskers

Edwardian Girls on Roller Skates

Remembered Faces

The Midsummer Overcoat

Green Men

Sports for Ladies

Smiling Faces

Biro Heads (in pink)

Drawing on Safari

Bad Hair Day


Young Man in a Long Overcoat and his Friends

The T-shirt Collection

Men of Distinction

A Sense of Smell

Wayward Locks

They Travel With Us Everywhere


Unconvincing Smiles

Angels in Retirement

Optimistic Suitors

Annoying Ubiquity of Youth

Interrupted Readers

A High Wind

Arms & Legs

Hot Day

Scenes in Outline

Sea of Papers

An Elizabethan Flower

Angel on Wheels

Apothecaries & Herbivores

The Straw Hat

The Simplest of Circuses

In Praise of Potted Plants

Teeth & Smiles

Beautiful Thoughts

Man and Duck