Macbeth: An Exhibition
At: Perth Museum, St John’s Place, Perth, PH1 5SZ
25 April 2025 - 31 August 2025
More info: https://perthmuseum.co.uk/inside-the-museum/macbeth/
Famously known as The Scottish Play, this new exhibition at Perth Museum explores the historical origins of the King of Scotland and the continuing influence that William Shakespeare’s iconic play has had on art, theatre, music, and film.
Visitors go on a journey through time, connecting the legendary figure to the very landscape of Perthshire. From the haunting forests of Birnam Wood to the imposing Dunsinane Hill, the exhibition will unveil the deep-rooted connection between this dramatic tale and the region.
On display for the first time will be a rare 11th century sword from the time of the real King Macbeth, as well as an example of William Shakespeare’s First Folio, where the tragedy of Macbeth was first printed, on loan from the National Library of Scotland. From Innerpeffray Library there will also be a selection of rare documents and books on witchcraft, including Dr John Dee’s Spiritual Diary, and a first edition of James VI/ I’s Dæmonologie. More modern representations of Macbeth will also be on display, including drawings by Quentin Blake for Livingstone Rare's whisky collection 'Macbeth', an Arabic translation and a Japanese script from the 1985 performance of Macbeth. London based artist Charlotte Rose has been commissioned to create a new work for the exhibition.
JP Reid, Exhibitions and Interpretation manager at Culture Perth and Kinross, said "Different creative people over the past 200 years have taken Shakespeare’s material and run with it in totally surprising, inspiring, challenging, baffling directions. The topics and themes that Shakespeare is writing about 550 years after the historical king are topics that resonate and are relevant today."
Tickets for Macbeth: An Exhibition are available to book now through Perthshire Box Office. Visitors can purchase at the Museum on the day of their visit, but advance booking is recommended to avoid disappointment. Under 16s and Members of the Culture Perth and Kinross Supporters Scheme receive free entry.
Tickets for Macbeth: An Exhibition are available to book now through Perthshire Box Office. Visitors can purchase at the Museum on the day of their visit, but advance booking is recommended to avoid disappointment. Under 16s and Members of the Culture Perth and Kinross Supporters Scheme receive free entry.