Quentin Blake: Hand Drawn

At: Bankside Gallery, Thames Riverside, 48 Hopton Street, London SE1 9JH

10 July 2024 - 28 July 2024

More info: https://www.banksidegallery.com/exhibitions/117-quentin-blake-hand-drawn/overview/

 Quentin Blake returns to Bankside Gallery with an eclectic mix of works produced in a variety of media.  Large pen & ink portraits of imaginary subjects (2024) sit alongside fantasy visions of Dream Owls and Remembered Faces (2019) worked in watercolour marker.  

Using his favourite china marker, Quentin explores everyday scenes - albeit with an imaginary twist - of Edwardian women tending their much-loved potted plants (In Praise of Potted Plants and Growing Things, 2019), strolling Ladies and their Dogs and a gentleman-like bird denouncing the Annoying Ubiquity of Youth (both 2020).  At larger scale, several athletic women celebrate The Language of the Fan from Quentin’s self-published series, ‘The QB Papers’ (2019).  A further element of fantasy appears in Women’s heads in stone & water (2012-13).

The collection is completed in fibre-tip with Adult & Child (2023) and a selection of emotive landscapes tinted in watercolour, from his 2017 series Scenes at Twilight. Enjoy a rare chance to see some alternative drawings from hospital works produced for maternity settings in the UK and France, in 2011-2012. 

Different themes in different techniques, but all from the same hand.

Many of these sets of drawings have been showcased on Quentin's website, featuring in the popular 'Every other Friday' section in a succession of digital 'books'.  This is the first time that the original drawings have been shown in exhibition, or been available to buy.  Works on show will be for sale between Wednesday 10 July and Sunday 28 July inclusive.  For sales enquiries and further details, please contact Bankside Gallery