'The BFG in Pictures'

At: Northampton Museum & Art Gallery, 4-6 Guildhall Road, Northampton NN1 1DP

4 June 2023 - 3 September 2023

More info: https://www.northamptonmuseums.com/directory-record/458/

'The BFG in Pictures' is a touring exhibition from the Quentin Blake Centre for Illustration which features 40 reproductions of artworks for Roald Dahl’s much-loved character The BFG.  The show includes illustrations not used when the book was first published in 1982 and numerous appearances of 'The BFG' in other guises - from postage stamps to logos. First exhibited at House of Illustration in 2016, 'The BFG in Pictures' is set to visit numerous sites across the UK until Autumn 2023.

The exhibition charts the development of one of the most iconic characters in children’s literature and offers a glimpse of a BFG that might-have-been (subsequently published in a special limited edition by Waterstone's). These are exhibited alongside reproductions of the final illustrations for the book, providing a fascinating insight into the collaboration between author and illustrator. 

'Roald Dahl and I were brought together by our publisher in the 1970s. Roald was an extraordinarily interesting person and a man of action, which is why he was so good at telling stories. He liked to tell stories about things happening, rather than about what people are thinking or feeling, which was wonderful for me to draw. Roald’s The BFG was first published by Jonathan Cape in 1982 in a hardback edition for which I did black-and-white illustrations and a design in colour for the cover. Since then the BFG and Sophie have appeared in a variety of books and situations. For this exhibition I have selected images from different versions of the BFG, starting with my first illustrations which remained unpublished for thirty years.' - Quentin Blake

Watch a clip of Quentin talking about the BFG from the BBC documentary, 'The Drawing of my Life'